
2/4's blog, and u're permitted to spam, ty.

If euu guys have any ideas for the song, put in the tagboard :D

2/4 would like to congratulate:

- Faisarah and Kimberly for clinching a Gold in their Indian Dance SYF. 
  (Basically, they're only in Indian Dance temporary)

- The prize-winners.

   - Revind {Top in English in 1NT 2008}
   - Amalina9 {Top in Basic Malay in 1NT 2008}
   - Refana {Top in Basic Tamil in 1NT 2008}
   - Faisarah {Top in CPA in 1NT 2008}

Another thing is, 2/4 would like to wish these people good luck:
- Deena, Faizal, Marcus and Revind.
  They're the opposition team for the debate against 2/3.
  Good luck ya'll! :D

- Deena, Ayuni, Faisarah, Revind, Shanjif, Kar Yee, Kok Song & Amalina9
  They're chosen by Mr Tan to be in the MOS Powerpoint Team to be in the compeition held at 
  Nanyang Poly on this Monday together with some of the 2/3 people.

What do we know.
Mass Run was tiring as a matter of fact.
But as long we all managed to finish the 2.4km run right. 
Well, hopefully we will pass it, and good luck with the 5 stations. ;)