
2/4's blog, and u're permitted to spam, ty.

If euu guys have any ideas for the song, put in the tagboard :D

Its been a long time since the class blog was updated. Yeah.
Monday's teachers day, and both Mr Tan and Miss Milhan wants to see 2/4 win again!
We'll make it like last year, we'll rock the whole sec 2 cohort! :)

Make all teachers proud!
We can do it!
And I'll like to say congratulations for achieving the best results for Maths. (:
This time, we beat 2/3! I'll love to see the spirit of 2/4 even more!
Seeing this photos make me happy okay.






Cannot wait for Mrs Goh's return :D
Well, jiayou now for EOY!

First of all:
I would like to wish Amalina8 a happy belated birthday. (:
We hoped you enjoyed your own birthday surprise yesterday.
A big thank you to Mr Tan, for providing us $20 just for pizzas.
May you live long and all your wishes come true!

Next, I know there wasnt any concert yesterday due to H1N1 reasons -.-"
But then, we still enjoyed much right? :D
Class photos are uploaded at Shanjif and Kar Yee's facebook.
Sorry, I don't know what exactly happened to Blogger, cannot even put pichas.

Afterall, we did enjoy ourselves, didnt we?
Alot of photos were taken, go check it out.
For now, I would like to wish all 2/4'ians a happy National Day.
& Please, study hard for Common Test 2! (: